The Importance of the Role of Women in Mediation

mastering conflict

The role of women in mediation has been downplayed for years now. Social stigmas, biases, and unequal opportunities are the most significant obstacles that women have to face throughout their careers. According to Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace, and Security, only two percent of female mediators are involved in critical peace processes. This huge disparity is alarming, to say the least. Rarely heard and rarely acknowledged, in communities and cultures around the world women are often an afterthought in the peace process rather than active thought leaders and facilitators due to the changes that conflict can bring. Women in Mediation Research shows that...

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3 Reasons Why You Might Need A Mediator

thumbs up gesture, representing a successful mediation session

If you’re a business owner, partner, or employee, chances are, you’ve witnessed conflict at your organisation. Some of these conflicts are easier to resolve and can be worked out fairly quickly. Others require the presence of a neutral, third-party facilitator to help the disputing parties reach a consensus. So, why should you hire a mediator for your case? Let’s take a look at some of the reasons. To Maintain Privacy & Confidentiality   Mediation is a pMediation is a private affair. There’s no audience in a mediation session apart from the parties involved. This means that the only people who have full knowledge of...

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