Conflict Science


What is Conflict Science Solutions?

Conflict Science Solutions (CSS) is the multidisciplinary field of applying proven, neuroscience-backed assessment tools combined with Brain-based Conflict Coaching. It is designed for individuals seeking to resolve a conflict through mediation. At Minute Mediation, we offer expert conflict management services in London.

Whether you are a business owner, partner, member of the board of directors, or professional, you can count on Conflict Science Solutions to:

  • Significantly improve your mediation experience and readiness.
  • Reducing the stress and complexity of conflict management.
  • Fortify your cognitive and reasoning skills to prepare you in making strategic decisions.

“Chance favors the prepared mind.” – Louis Pasteur

Conflict Science Coaching

CSS is about one thing and one thing only – YOU and YOUR needs as you prepare to enter mediation.

Conflict is not a natural human state. It is disruptive and negatively impacts the human condition affecting stress levels, relationships, work and social interactions, and even your health.

Our impartial Certified Professional Brain-based Coach, Adriana Vela, is an award-winning business, leadership, and professional development coach certified in behaviors, driving factors, and emotional intelligence. Learn more about Adriana here.

Brain-based coaching addresses negative psychological effects caused by conflicts such as obstructing cognitive functioning and performance which may lead to poor decision-making.

Your level of readiness plays a significant roll in the final resolution of your situation because, in mediation, you have 100% agency in negotiating the terms of a resolution agreement.

Wouldn’t you want to be mentally and emotionally prepared with a new sense of clarity and confidence before the mediation begins?

Welcome to our Conflict Science Solutions packages

Our Conflict Science Solutions offers three levels of neuroscience-based assessments and conflict-readiness coaching to choose from. Each level provides two or three sciences and additional skills building content and training.

The best part of this is that we are offering it at an incredibly affordable price. Watch the videos below to select the right one for you!

CSS level 1

CSS level 2

CSS level 3

Click here to select your CSS options pricing.

For more details about our neuroscience-based assessments view our FAQ here.