Mediation doesn’t have to be a complicated process! With these tips, you can have a stress-free and amicable mediation.
Be Prepared With Your Documents
Before you go in for a mediation session, you’ll be informed about the relevant documents you need to keep with you (if any). These may include a statement of the case, which you may be required to prepare beforehand, representing your interests and differences in opinion. Make sure you keep all the relevant documents with you during the mediation process.
Go With an Open Mind
The whole idea of mediation is to negotiate the terms of the agreement and reach a settlement that benefits not just you but also the opposing party. If you’re heading into a mediation session, adamant not to bend from your stance, the procedure won’t be fruitful.
The key to a successful mediation procedure is the ability to listen and trying to understand what the other party has to say. You’ll get your chance to express your stance and propose solutions, but it’s imperative that you hear their concerns out as well as points of conflict. Keep an open mind during the process and make room for flexibility. Mediation requires both parties to be willing to cooperate and compromise to an extent; without this, you won’t be able to reach an agreement.
Identify Clear Goals
Don’t forget to clearly identify each and every goal and address it during the mediation process. It’s best to tackle all issues instead of focusing only on one big conflict so as to get the best possible outcome. Acknowledge what you want to get out of the mediation session and what terms will be completely unacceptable to you, and let these be known at the beginning of the session.
Our professional mediator at Minute Mediation Ltd. can help you with your conflicts and disputes. Contact us today about our services