Our UK Modern Slavery Act Statement provides information on the steps Minute Mediation has taken to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from our supply chain as well as within our own organization.
Minute Mediation Limited (“MM”) publishes this Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement (this “Statement”), pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
MM is committed to good corporate citizenship and the highest ethical standards. To facilitate the fulfilment of these commitments, MM has established and maintains appropriate measures to safeguard against the occurrence of human rights abuses, modern slavery and related human trafficking within its supply chain, as further detailed in this Statement.
MM is a private limited company incorporated in England and Wales. MM is a mediation and conflict management consultancy providing consultancy, mediation, facilitation and training services internationally with offices in the UK and Switzerland.
MM is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all its business relationships, aiming to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in its business. MM expects all organisations within its supply chain to adopt an equivalent approach in their operations and to share our ethical values namely: Integrity, Inclusion, Customer-first, Accountability, Respect and Excellence.
All MM employees are encouraged to raise concerns, including potential violations of company policies and applicable laws. MM provides different mechanisms by which concerns can be raised. MM does not tolerate any form of retaliation for raising concerns in good faith, asking questions, or participating in an investigation.
Where appropriate, MM principal agreements require MM business partners to comply with all applicable laws that relate to their interactions with MM, including, but not limited to, modern slavery laws.
MM recognises the unprecedented challenges that were brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic and that have persisted as it continues to lead to an increased chance of modern slavery in industry supply chains as businesses continue to adapt to the situation. MM has continued to take steps to manage risks as they have emerged in order to guard against the occurrence of modern slavery within its organisation and its supply chains.
To help prevent the spread of the virus and ensure continuation of its operations, MM has continued to monitor the public health emergency and review its own existing measures in accordance with UK Government guidance. Pursuant to such guidance, MM has continued to facilitate homeworking for its non-essential personnel during the fiscal year, and all non-essential travel and face to face meetings were suspended. MM has implemented social distancing and other safety measures as it plans towards re-introducing employees back into its business premises on a voluntary basis in line with Government guidance.
MM has supported business partners during the pandemic by continuing to pay for orders or services promptly.
MM believes its efforts to date as outlined in this statement have been appropriate in helping prevent modern slavery and human trafficking from entering its supply chains.